Client-Specific Searches
This is research conducted for a specific refugee, immigrant or asylum-seeker at the request of his or her attorney. Searches are scheduled 1-3 weeks from the date they are received in our office. This service includes 2-5 hours of research, organizing of documentation, photocopying and first class/priority mail. Extra Charges apply for information sent via Federal Express.
Download the Client-Specific Search Request Form
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To download an order form for client-specific requests, click here. Before downloading the form, please review the request guidelines below.
Request Guidelines
These guidelines are provided to help ensure the best possible service for your request. All requests should be faxed or mailed attention: RLSS. Please contact us if you have any questions. Thanks for following these guidelines. Any omitted information on your request for may lead to delays in you search. We look forward to receiving your request!
- Complete and accurate contact name, firm/organization, phone, fax and mail or delivery address.
- Filing date or deadline by which you need the documentation. MINIMUM 14-21 DAYS ADVANCED NOTICE IS REQUESTED. While our schedule varies, to ensure that your search will be scheduled on our calendar in time we strongly recommend that you give us plenty of notice. If you require information more quickly, please call our office immediately to see if we can accommodate you request for information.
- Indicate at what level you should be charged. Pro Bono, Low Fee, or Private. All immigration/refugee non-profit projects and attorneys volunteering for these organizations are eligible for the Pro Bono rate. Private attorneys are eligible for the low-fee or private rates.
- Indicate how you would like the information sent. We request that all orders be sent via U.S. postal service or Federal Express. If you do not have a FedEx account we can bill you for the charges.
- Please specify your request. We gladly accept copies of Affidavits or the Asylum Application to help give us context for the search, but you should specify which details you would like corroborated. Affidavits or applications by themselves are often too broad. A $1.00 charge will be assessed for every phone call made in order to clarify your request.
- If you should choose to cancel a request please give us 2 days notice before the scheduled date of your research. If research has been done on your case, then you may be assessed the charges for that research.
Examples of requests
#1 Vague request:
I need documentation about labor unions for country X. Send me everything you have on Country X.
#2 Preferred request:
My client was a union leader for Labor Union Y in Village A, Department B, Country C, from May 1997-March 1999. S/he received threats from Death Squad #6 on January 10, 1993 and March 14, 1993 that stated my client would be killed for her/his union activities. Reports from my clients relatives indicate that they have continued to receive threats as recent as July 1999 . Please document activity of Death Squad #6 for the times and areas listed, and any of Labor Union Y activities country wide from 1997 to the present.